
Sunday 3 March 2013

Bookmarked recipe - Cheesy Lentil Pie with Cornmeal Pastry

A few weeks ago, I saw the recipe for Cheesy Lentil Pie with Cornmeal Pastry by Emily Leary on A Mummy Too and just KNEW I'd have to try it - cheese, lentils and cornmeal are three of my buzz-words, so a dish containing all three is irresistible to me and it was duly bookmarked.

It's a very inexpensive dish to make, and in fact I felt as if it had cost me almost nothing, as when I was preparing the ingredients I had exactly enough left - to the gramme in every case - in my almost-finished packs of lentils, cheese, cornmeal and flour.

I halved all the quantities as there are only two of us. Even so, served with nothing more than a plain green salad, there was plenty left for lunch the next day.

While I was making it, I was worried that the pastry would be tough, as it was so very easy to handle and had a relatively low proportion of fat. But it turned out beautifully light and crisp and the cornmeal in it gave it a delicious taste. I'll be using that pastry again in other dishes.

When it came out of the oven it looked beautiful

It wasn't quite so pretty on the inside

But what it lacked in appearance it certainly made up for in flavour! A great success, and a dish that I'm sure I'll make many times in the future.

I'm submitting this to Bookmarked Recipes at Tinned Tomatoes  and to
Credit Crunch Munch at Fuss Free Flavours and Fab Food  4 All


  1. what a great recipe - lentils and cheese are some of my favourite foods and they go so well together - just off to check this recipe

  2. This pie looks great - your pastry is very neat!

  3. What a fabulously neat pie and I bet that filling was delicious! Thank you for entering Credit Crunch Munch with a brilliantly frugal recipe:-)

  4. The Bookmarked Recipes roundup is up. Thanks for adding this. What a great looking pie!


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