
Monday 24 February 2014

Meal Planning Monday February 24th

It's just dawned on me that I've planned and shopped for about twice as many meals as we can possibly fit in to one week! That's what a trip to the Farmer's Market does.... Anyway, some of the food has been popped in the freezer and the less perishable stuff left for later in the week and early next week, and this is the plan that's resulted. But first, a little look at some of the highlights of last week:

Actually the gnocchi was a definite LOWlight, but the egg curry more than made up for it - I wrote about them here.  And the scrumptious chicken and rice dish was one of Mark's creations - he's put the recipe on his blog.

This week's menu is

Monday Wild boar sausages with mash and onion  gravy and Brussels sprouts

Tuesday  Armenian Lamb with Pilaff (an old favourite from the 1970s Cordon Bleu Monthly magazines)

Wednesday Rack of lamb with gratin dauphinoise and green salad

Thursday Onion tart because it (as I predicted) got squeezed out by the egg curry last week

Friday Lasagne

Saturday and Sunday Mark will cook one night, the other we'll have a baked Tunworth cheese. Unless he wants to do the Tunworth, in which case I'll do a steamed steak pudding.

Why not share your meal plan for the week using the linky at At Home With Mrs M ?


  1. Ohh wow! Everything sounds so good!! I've never tried Wild boar sausages but they sound delicious!

  2. All sounds very delicious indeed - and has reminded me that I can't remember the last time that I had lamb which is a very sad state of affairs and one which I'll have to address soon!



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