
Thursday 14 August 2014

Flash! Bang! Wallop!

I've had the song "What a picture, what a photograph" going through my head ever since I saw that this week's Cards4Guys challenge is Cameras/Photos - but why is the term Flash! Bang! Wallop! connected with photos? Does it refer to the old fashioned flash gun? I remember the one my dad had when I was a child - the bulbs could only be used once, so he saved flash for very special photos as it worked out so expensive.

There's a flash gun a bit like his on one of the cameras in this decoupage, which is from the CD  The Best of La Pashe 2012. The backing card has been in my stash for years and is supposed to represent fired brick, but it reminds me very much of the old tan leather case that my Dad used to keep his photography kit in.

All the photos he took were transparencies, which were mounted into slides. So it seemed natural for me to mount the birthday greeting into a slide mount, covered in a fawny-grey pearlescent paper reminiscent of the plastic his slides were always mounted in.

So without my having planned it that way, this card has turned into something of a tribute to my Dad. My, how he would have loved the DSLRs of today!


  1. Hello Jane, What a wonderful card to remind you of your Dad and his photography. Once again the amazing La Pashe 2012 has come up trumps. Thanks again for your support at Cardz 4 Guyz. Caz

  2. Very lovely card. I love the color of the background paper. Thanks for joining us at Cardz 4 Guyz.

  3. A really great card and perfect for our challenge.

    Thanks for joining us at Cardz 4 Guyz.

    Helen x


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