
Monday 5 November 2018

RECIPE: Aloo Mattar with Fried Paneer

I don't think this is an authentic Indian dish - Mattar Paneer is, and Aloo Mattar is, but I'm not aware of the two being combined,  however I was looking for a warming comfort food dish and happened to have a pack of paneer (Indian cheese) in the fridge so I thought I'd see what I could come up with.

My recipe is really just for the fried paneer element of the dish, because I simply couldn't come up with a better Aloo Mattar recipe than the one over at Sandhya's Kitchen. I only discovered it a few weeks ago and have made it several times already. However the fried paneer is a great way of making any vegetable curry side dish into a main course dish.

Do please excuse the rubbish photo. I don't think I will ever master proper food photography because I'm always far too eager to tuck in!

Anyway, as well as your chosen vegetable curry you will need

1 pack of paneer cheese (my pack weighed about 200g and served hearty portions for two of us)
vegetable oil - 1 tbs for marinade and 2-3 tbs for cooking
½ teaspoon each ground coriander, ground cumin and chilli powder

Cut the paneer into small cubes (about 1.5 cm) and place in a bowl. Mix in the oil and spices, turn to coat evenly and marinate for about 1 hour.

Shortly before your vegetable curry is ready, heat the remaining oil in a large shallow frying pan and cook the paneer for about 2 minutes on each side. I just browned the "top" and "bottom" of each cube but for the sake of appearances you could do it all over, as long as you don't cook it until the cheese starts to melt.

Lift out the cubes of cheese with a slotted spoon and stir into your vegetable curry. Stir very gently so as not to break up the cheese and heat it all together for a couple of minutes to allow the flavours to blend.

I served it with a refreshing tomato and cucumber salad and some poppadoms.

You could make a vegan version of this using tofu.

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