
Saturday 23 May 2020

Encore Paris

I can't seem to stop making Paris themed cards - it must be a result of my trip to France being cancelled, even though I was going to my daughter's place, many miles from Paris. And now my other daughter's trip to France has been cancelled too - they were supposed to be going to the Cote d'Azur for half term. So.... more Paris it is then...

To make the sky, I painted watercolour card with a very wet dark blue then added some streaks of purple while it was still wet, allowing them to blend here and there. Then I blotted off some of the excess water and finished drying with my heat gun, Finally I painted over the whole thing with Jo Sonja's Opal Dust. I don't know whether you can still get that, I've had my bottle for many years.  That needed to be left overnight to dry. I then cut it into a circle and added the die cut skyline, trimmed off the bottom of the circle and stuck it to the card then finished with a sentiment stamped with words from a Clearly Besotted city skyline set.

Here's the obligatory schparkle close up:

I am sharing this with

Shopping Our Stash - The Places You'll Go

CAS Watercolour - The Night Sky  


  1. Lovely card. Shame your trip was least we have a great hobby to keep us occupied at home.

  2. I'm so glad you found inspiration to play along with us Jane, I love your card, the die with all of those landmarks is awesome.
    So sorry your trip was cancelled, it's sad but lets be hopeful better days will be back.
    Thank you for sharing at SHOPPING OUR STASH.

  3. I've enjoyed this trip to Paris, Jane! Sorry your trip was canceled. Your night sky is beautiful and I love the arched sky with the white skyline! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

  4. Hopefully you'll be able to get there soon!
    Love your Paris skyline :)
    Thanks for travelling with the crew from SHOPPING OUR STASH!!

  5. what a beautiful cas...well done
    Thanks so much for playing along with us at the CAS Watercolour Challenge.
    :) Karen

  6. LOVE your night sky over Paris, Jane! The colours are beautiful and the sparkle dust is just AMAZING! I have to look up that product to see if it's still around! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

  7. A lovely dome of night sky over your Paris landscape Jane - SO sorry all the trips were cancelled - my nieces both had family trips planned during this time - thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolor! xx

  8. A lovely night sky for your Paris skyline...gorgeous colours and sparkle, great card Jane and thanks for sharing with CAS Watercolour, Robyn

  9. I love your beautiful Paris Night Sky. So sparkly, pretty and perfectly CAS!
    I sympathise with you over your cancelled travel:( I too had a big trip planned to FRANCE and have been listening to a fabulous podcast about Paris to keep myself enthused, because I know it will happen eventually:) Thanks so much for joining in at CAS Watercolour:)


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