UPDATE after having a good old moan on Facebook, I was given a very helpful suggestion by the lovely Kavita of Kavey Eats. She suggested searching Google for my awards page and seeing if it gave me a cached copy of it. The main result on Google was the latest updated page but a little arrowhead beside the result allowed me to click on it and select a cached copy - and hey presto, there it was, most recently cached on October 28th. So I've copied everything from that cached page into a new page which I've called My Recovered Old Awards Page. Some of the formatting has gone astray but I an Not. Going. To. Touch. It. And everything from this week onwards will go on to the new page.
However when I was reading through some blogs this morning I spotted that I'd received honourable mentions in three challenges over the last couple of days, so I headed over to my Awards Page to add the links and badges. And there it was ......... GONE. So I came to my Blogger dashboard, and saw that somehow it had been reverted to draft. OK, thought I, I'll just add the new badges, publish it and all will be well.
But I was wrong - when I opened the page, it was completely blank - over 4 years of badges and links to the relevant posts, all vanished into cyberspace. The only way to reinstate them would be to go back to every blog I've ever visited, every challenge I've ever entered, and scroll back through every single post as far back as April 2012 when I started this blog, to pick up each time I was mentioned. Even then, it wouldn't be accurate - some blogs have changed their names, many have changed their badges, and a few have closed completely. So instead I have started a brand new page, with just the honourable mentions I have received this week, and have crossed my fingers that Blogger doesn't do anything nasty to this one.
And since I don't have a card to share with you today I will leave you with a photo of the very first card I posted on this blog, back in April 2012.
Oh Jane, how annoying to have lost all that! But, on the bright side at least it wasn't your whole blog! Cute card there too :)
Di xx
How frustrating, and unfair too. I imagine it's pointless to appeal to Blogger, they are pretty useless at communication. Sad it has happened with your blog, Jane. Hope you feel better soon. I'm not very well either.
Sorry to hear about your missing page once blogger had a hissy fit and I lost two years on posts on my blog -now annoying doesn't even come close!!!Love the cute image and great fold
Carol x
That's a shame Jane, I wonder how that happened.
Your card is cute, your style has changed quite a lot hasn't it.
I hope you feel better soon.
Feel better soon. Terrible what blogger has done lately, I don't add things for fear I delete my whole blog. A friend fixed mine for me when I had wallpaper and an overlay she set it up so I could add my wins, and mentions and I've even lost it. Super cute card.
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